Clifton Leaf, “Why We are Losing the War on Cancer.” Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried PhD, “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease.” Dr. Seyfried is professor of biology at Boston College and developed the Ketogenic cancer diet. Clifton Leaf is a billionaire cancer survivor that donates large sums of money for cancer research and treatment.
The Port Townsend Think Tank The Port Townsend Think Tank was originally formed formed in 1992 to oppose the North American Trade Agreement. But for the last 12 years we have been involved in cancer research and economic issues. Our research has determined that cancer can be reversed in most cases. Even stage 4 can be reversed. The Port Townsend Think Tank has no paid employees. We are a group of retired researchers, cancer survivors and free thinkers looking for answers. Please forward our work. No person should die from cancer. Any help you can give us is appreciated. James Fritz - Director: Port Townsend Think Tank | Email: jfritz@olypen.com
Using Dextromethorphan to Prevent Brain Damage from Strokes and Brain Injury
When a blood clot cuts off circulation to a portion of the brain, the tissue does not die immediately. About the end of the second day the neurotransmitter glutamate floods the neurons with calcium, which causes a cascade of events that destroys the tissue. In August 1991 a article was publishes in the Discover magazine with the title ”Cheating Brain Death.” The article said that in the laboratory the common ingredient in cold medicine dextromethorphan had prevented the increase in calcium in neurons and this had prevented the cells from being destroyed. Attempts to use DM on stroke patients failed to improve the stroke outcome in patients. In Alaska, a dentist, Dr. Roger Eichman DDS, had a problem: Some dental patients with a tooth ache in remote villages or on a fishing boat might take a week or two to get to the clinic, and he needed a way to reduce their pain. He knew that the nerve pulp in a tooth is similar to brain tissue so after reading the article in Discover magazine he began to experiment with DM and found that with the proper dose he could reduce swollen and inflamed nerves in teeth. He used the treatment to reduce pain in teeth until he retired 8 years later. Dr. Eichman DDS [retired] got word that his frail 87-year old 110-pound mother had a major stroke. One arm and leg on her right side was limp. She could not feel a pin prick on the right half of her body and she could not speak. Dr. Eichman got to her bedside 10 hours later. He put a Hold throat lozenge that contained 5 mg of DM in her mouth and she sucked on it and got it down. He did the same for the next two days so she had a total of 15 mg of DM. Two weeks later, she walked out of the hospital with only minor nerve damage; she lost the feeling in the tips of her fingers and toes. The doctors called her their miracle patient. We have been using the same stroke protocol for over 20 years. I have contacted numerous doctors with news letters and drug companies but they all say the same thing: the drug DM is inexpensive and readily available, people would go down to the drug store, buy the DM, and they—the doctors and drug companies--would not make any money on their investment. I recently contacted a doctor in the NW that has a clinic who is excited about the treatment and has a newsletter that is widely read. So maybe he will test and publish our research. Several dozen people have used the stroke treatment we call the “ Eichman Stroke Treatment Protocol.” It has always been effective if started within 48 hours of the first symptoms. There has never been any adverse effect on other treatments or side effects. It works on strokes caused by blood clots and hemorrhages and also alleviates head trauma. We consider the optimum dose to be 10 mg of DM for 4 days for a major stroke. Do not exceed a total of 65 mg of DM over the course of the treatment. DM is approved by both the AMA and the FDA for a wide range of conditions and for long term use up to 120 mg per day. All a doctor has to do to be legal is to put on the patient’s chart, “Throat problems, give the patient 10 mg of DM for 4 days.” Originally we recommended Hold throat lozenges because its only ingredient was DM, but they went out of business. We now believe that a 15 mg time-release capsule sold by Robitussin is probably the best because it also only has one ingredient--DM. Fifteen mg per day for 4 days still stays under the 65 mg of DM total that we consider optimum. Cold medicine like Dayquil works. One full tablespoon of Dayquil has 10 mg of DM which is what we recommend per day. The cold medicines usually have a vascular constrictor to stop a runny nose and this is not good for a stroke patient to be decreasing blood flow to the neurons. It has been used and it does work. Case histories of stroke patients: Lois T. Lois T was a 75 year old woman in good health and weighing around 145 pounds. She took care of a large garden and several dozen apple trees. She was having friends over one Sunday afternoon when she started to slur her speech and her hand started to go numb. She realized she was having a stroke so she took two Hold throat lozenges and had her friends take her to the hospital in Port Townsend. They did an MRI and found nothing . She was obviously having a stroke so they flew her to the Seattle Swedish hospital. They did a MRI which showed the blood clot but not the stroke area. The DM is neuroprotective and was protecting the tissue so the stroke area would not show on the MRI. The daughter of Lois T. brought cold medicine each day with DM in it and gave Lois one tablespoon of cold medicine with 10 mg of DM in it for 6 days. One arm and one leg was limp. Lois could not speak or turn over. In two weeks Lois was in intensive care and in 3 weeks she was home. In 4 weeks she was out pruning apple trees. Her balance was slightly affected, so she had to use a cane when she went outside and her right hand did not have as strong a grip as it did before. Her balance and intellect was back to normal, however, in 4 weeks. Three year after the first stroke Lois had a small stroke that affected her balance. Unfortunately, the doctor diagnosed it as vertigo. Two weeks later the doctor told Lois she had had a small stroke; it was too late to use the DM treatment. I said, “Lois why didn’t you take DM treatment, there’s no downside just in case it was a stroke?” She said, ”I really trusted my doctor.” Lois had to eventually go into assisted living because she needed a walker to get around. Bryn A, Bryn was a 79 year old man in good health when he had a cerebral hemorrhage. He was unconscious for 19 days. The doctor was a family friend and gave him DM. He woke up after the 19 days and recovered completely. Even his mind and balance were back to normal. It took him a year to get his drivers license back. He died of old age at 91. Jonnie H. Jonnie H. was a patent attorney with a masters degree in nuclear engineering. He had open heart surgery. A blood clot developed in one of the heart chambers and over several years he had 7 strokes. The blood clot in the heart chamber was throwing off blood clots that lodged in the brain. The doctors told him that each of the three worst strokes had a 40% chance of death and a 60% chance of spending the rest of his life in a nursing home. Fortunately, Jonnie knew of the DM protocol. He walks without a cane now and talks with a slur but is able to live a relatively normal life, impaired but capable of carrying on a conversation. Donald Hoglund, Donald Hoglund is a registered pharmacist and owner of Don’s Pharmacy in Port Townsend, Washington. He got a call from his sister, “ Mom’s having a stroke; she’s speaking giberish.” She responded, “ Take her to the ER,” Don did and told them to give her 20 mg of DM. The ER did and the next day Don’s mother was back to normal. This is typical of smaller strokes. Dr. Roger Eichman, Dr. Eichman DDS developed the Eichman Stroke Treatment when he had a dental practice in Juneau, Alaska. On January 24 of 2020 at a mining convention in Vancouver BC he woke up at midnight and realized he was having a stroke. He could sit up but not stand up. His balance was gone. The left side of his face and half of his tongue had no feeling. He could move his fingers but he had no feeling in his left hand. His left leg was jello. He had no feeling in his leg and could not tell if it was on the floor or not. He crawled over to his briefcase and got the dextromethorphan and then crawled over to the bathroom and got some water. He was able to swallow the DM. He crawled back in bed and decided that in the morning if he was better he would call his wife to come get him. If he was worse he’d call 911. When morning came he was better, so he called his wife. She got there late in the day so they stayed the night. In the morning Dr. Eichman felt better so he drove the car back to Port Townsend. They went directly to the hospital. The hospital did an MRI and found two blood clots. Dr. Eichman declined treatment and chose to use vitamin E to thin the blood and nattokinase to dissolve the two blood clots. Four days later he was back to normal with no damage from the stroke. This is a pretty typical outcome if DM is used properly and the treatment is started within 48 hours of the first stroke symptoms. Dr. Eichman used The Eichman Stroke Treatment Protocol twice on his mother and three times with friends and neighbors in addition to using DM on his own stroke in Vancouver BC. Every day over 2000 people have strokes that require medical care, so we are publishing the information to try to get it out as soon as possible. DM is approved by the AMA and FDA for long term use up to 120 mg per day. Attempts to use DM to prevent stroke damage have tried 60 to 300 mg of DM per day for up to two weeks, so we know what larger doses do. There is only a small window where it works. We know of at least five areas not related to strokes that we believe could be patented, but we have not discussed them because publishing them would destroy the ability to patent them. Here are some areas that our technology could be used on: 1. Obviously DM should be available in various forms to give to stroke patients. Keep in mind that if the treatment is started as soon as the first symptoms occur an MRI will probably not show the stroke area. 2. DM is neuroprotective and should prevent brain and organ damage from covid-19. It might be advisable to add nattokinase to dissolve blood clots. 3. There needs to be a capsule to give to pro football payers an hour before the game to prevent brain damage, and another for the military. 4. DM does not prevent strokes but only prevents brain damage from strokes. A small dose of 5 or 10 mg of DM could be given daily to older people having a series of small strokes. DM is approved for long term use. There are many uses for DM and we recommend every one should keep a bottle of 15 mg time-release DM with them when they travel. Keep DM in your car and briefcase. Dr. Eichman would be in a nursing home if he didn’t have the DM with him when he had the stroke in Vancouver. I will advise and work with research groups that want to continue the research on using DM to prevent stroke damage. Please contact me by Email at jfritz@olypen.com. Read my web site, www.porttownsendthinktank.org for the latest information and comments. Most of my research has been on cancer. But there is information on alzheimer’'s and covid-19 on my web site in addition to strokes. If we could charge 40,000 dollars a treatment this would be considered a major breakthrough. The medical profession is not interested in inexpensive treatments. The only way we can introduce this is if everyone forwards the study to at least ten people, preferably more. Based on 20 years experience, we can cut stroke disability by at least 90% . Disclaimer: I am a biomedical engineer, medical researcher, and a journalist, but I am not a doctor. The research discussed above is for serious research groups. Anyone may reproduce, quote or use all or part of our research but at their own risk. We will work with interested parties and we request feedback on research. There are several areas of research, not related to strokes, not discussed because that would compromise possible future patent applications. Every day over 2000 people have strokes that require medical care, so we need to get the information out. We do want recognition for our over 20 years of research on strokes. We formed TBI Bioscience LLC to promote the Eichman Stroke Treatment Protocol. Please forward to interested parties. Thanks, Best Wishes “Cheating Brain Death” by Billy Allstetter 1991 Discover Magazine Researchers in Laboratories had used Destromethorphan, a common drug in cold medicine, to prevent brain cells in a laboratory from dying when oxygen was interrupted so they could be brought back with little or no damage. See the attachment. Treatment Breakthrough, ‘THE GLUTAMATE CONNECTION’ by Stephen Heinemann PhD Professor of Neuroscience a the Salk Institute for Biological Studies at San Diego. Published in 1993 by Prevention Magazine. See the attachment. He predicted by the year 2000 cold medicine with dextromethorphan would be used to prevent stroke damage.
James Fritz Email: jfritz@olypen.com
Port Townsend Think Tank Cancer Medical Information The Port Townsend Think Tank serves as an information center for people with cancer. We are a group of retired scientists who realized Chemo therapy wasn't working, destroys the patient's immune system, and that there were other treatments with a much higher success rate. Most people that use alternative treatments tried Chemo and as a result are broken physically, mentally and financially. We study alternative cancer treatments, keeping track of treatments that work and taking note of attempts that met with lower success rates, and make information available to people who need it. Many people recover from advanced cancer using many different methods. We give people information so they can make intelligent, informed choices on treatment options. We also buy supplements for people who can't afford it. Please help us by forwarding my website to those who might find it valuable and by making a donation. The money will be well spent. No one should die from cancer. Cancer is a reversible survival strategy caused by a metabolism disorder. Every day 1600 people die from cancer and 50% of the people that read this will get cancer. Let's make cancer a thing of the past. Best wishes. James Fritz
Reversing Cancer Naturally – Part I There is no reason anyone should die from cancer. Cancer is a natural survival process with a bad outcome. If a cell has a low oxygen and highly acidic state, the cell can revert to a more primitive life form that thrives in a highly acidic and low oxygen state. This is cancer. By bringing the Ph up to 7.35 and restoring the functions of the cell, cancer can be reversed. About nine years ago my 69-year-old brother-in-law went in for his yearly physical; in one spot the lymph glands in his abdominal area were enlarged. The clinic did a hollow needle biopsy and determined he had an indolent follicular lymphoma but only a 10% chance it would require treatment. Since a few years before he had prostate cancer surgery, he researched alternative treatments and combined several immune system protocols. In one year that lymph gland had returned to normal size. Recently, David went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. where they did an MRI and found no cancer, only a little scar tissue. Over the last nine years six cases of cancer have gone into remission using variations of this protocol. Three of the cancers were stage 4 and conventional medicine had given up on them. Each person who has used the protocol has made changes to suit their own situation. A 78-year-old retired nurse with stage-4 liver cancer and three cancer lesions on her liver is using the protocol. The cancer was too far advanced for conventional treatment, so she tried the protocol. In three months, she went back to the Seattle hospital; the cancerous lesions had decreased by 50%. In seven months, she went back to the hospital and they performed another Cat Scan. They said she still had a little cancer, but it shouldn't cause any problem; she should come back in a year unless she developed symptoms. I decided that the protocol worked and I should put it on the internet for anyone to use. All the protocol does is supply nutrition on a cellular level so that the body can make repairs and start functioning normally. You must make changes in your diet and lifestyle. I recommend the book Fear Cancer No More for diet and life style changes. You must read all the material and become an expert on cancer. Everyone I know who told me, “ I really trust my oncologist," who had stage-4 cancer, died. I don't believe anyone should die from cancer. Conventional and alternative treatments can be added to the nutritional base if needed. I know of two people in Jefferson County that are keeping stage-4 prostate cancer in control by diet and eating 25 bitter almonds each day for the laetrile. 1) Take one ounce of flaxseed oil with three heaping tablespoons of 2% cottage cheese twice a day. Add one rounded teaspoon of lecithin for each tablespoon of flaxseed oil and mix will. The Budwig Cancer Diet recommends two tablespoons of flaxseed oil twice a day. I tried it and it acted like a laxative but one tablespoon twice a day was tolerated. If you can, increase the flaxseed oil to four tablespoons per day, but we've had good results with two tablespoons per day. Use only cold pressed refrigerated flaxseed oil and buy it locally to ensure quality. Rancid oil will do you no good. The lecithin and 2% cottage cheese emulsify the flaxseed oil and make it water soluble, so it can be used by the body. The sulfur and proteins in the flaxseed oil combine to make a water soluble emulsion that the body can use to repair the outer cell membrane. The body needs Linolenic fatty acid for cell repair and cell division. These are omega-3 essential fatty acids, meaning that the body must get them from the food we eat. Fortunately cold pressed flax seed oil is 70% essential fatty acids. The body also needs DHA and EPA . The body manufactures them but in an insufficient amount. Take a couple of teaspoons, or eight or nine grams, of fish oil each day to get the EPA and DHA you need. Salmon oil, krill oil, and various types of fish oil from Norway would do the job. They all work. Make sure they're not rancid, buy from a health food store instead of the cheapest thing you can buy at WalMart. There is a lot of information on the internet on the Budwig Cancer Diet that explains why the essential fatty acids are so important. Every cell in you body uses them. 2) Take one ounce of Vibe, a liquid nutritional supplement, made by Eniva, twice a day. Eniva says that one ounce per day is for normal health maintenance and you can use up to three ounces per day. Vibe provides nutrition at the cellular level and is very important. Take the Vibe with a glass of water or fruit juice and start out with one ounce the first day and build up gradually. One ounce is equal to two tablespoons. You can Google Port Townsend Think Tank for more information on the protocol. You can order Vibe through Eniva. Get the original Vibe. 3) Take one ounce of Georges Aloe Vera extract twice a day. It is available in The Uptown Nutrition in Port Townsend, Washington or almost any health store. 4) Buy a bottle of dark Willard Water concentrate. Call: 1-800-447-4793 to place an order. Cancer produces energy by a fermentation process. Cancer metabolism is very inefficient and produces lactic acid, which causes the body chemistry to become more acidic. Mix three tablespoons of Willard Water Dark Concentrate in a gallon of water and drink two or three glasses of the mixture each day. At least 36 oz of Willard Water per day. Willard Water will keep the blood pH at 7.35 where it should be, but it also decreases the surface tension of water and allows vitamins and minerals to pass through cell membranes. Bacteria in the soil produce small amounts of organic compounds that are necessary for life. Unfortunately, herbicides, pesticides, and commercial fertilizers kill the bacteria in the soil. The expert is Dr. David Jubb who is a professor in California on micronutrients and you can Google him for more information. Willard Water is important, so don't leave it out of the protocol. 5) Take ashwagandha and curcumin as directed. Typically ashwagandha comes in 450 mg capsules and curcumin in 850 mg capsules, give or take a little. Both suppress enzymes that cancer needs to reproduce. Nearly every health supplement store, including Uptown Nutrition, carries them, or you can order them through swanson.com or call: Swanson at 1-800-437-4148. 6) Vitamins and minerals are important. There are 8 types of vitamin E. The vitamin E usually sold is the alpha variety, which has little or no cancer fighting ability. The best variety is the Gamma variety. I've found that Swanson has the best deal. Item SWU329 gives you 750 units of Gamma and 400 units of other types of vitamin E. The cost is $10.99 for a month's supply. It is listed as Gamma Tocopherol. The Swanson phone number is: 800-437-4148. Vitamin A is toxic if you take too much, but if you take beta carotene, your body will convert what it needs to vitamin A safely. Twenty-five thousand units is suggested. Also, eat a lot of carrots and carrot juice. Take 2000 units of vitamin C, 6000 units of vitamin D, 50 mg of Zinc, 200 micrograms (mcg) of selenium each day. Additionally, 400 mg of Co enzyme Q10 and 1000 mg of M.S. M. taken twice a day. Co enzyme Q10 is the enzyme that allows the body to metabolize glucose to produce energy. If you live in a sunny area, try to get 20 or 30 minutes of sunshine a day without sunscreen. Take care to not sunburn, and stay out of the sun if you are taking medication that causes you to sunburn. 7) Most alternative cancer treatments require diet and lifestyle changes. They also usually recommend that the person take an enzyme that dissolves protein. Cancer builds a protein membrane around cancer cells and hides from the immune system. My brother-in-law took a small can of pineapple juice once a day between meals. The nurse with liver cancer took two or three papaya enzyme tablets at bed time. The body repairs itself from the evening meal to breakfast, so that is a good time to take enzymes. Most cancer clinics in Mexico and Germany use Wobenzyme pancreatic enzymes. Usually they recommend taking a couple between each meal and a couple at bedtime. I think that Corotec enzyme is slightly better than the Wobenzyme. Contact for Carotec is www.carotec.com or call 1-800-522-4279. Cancer takes protein out of the blood and uses the protein to create a thick membrane around the cancer mass. This hides the cancer from the body's immune system and blood vessels form in the protein membrane to furnish glucose for the cancer mass. Healthy tissue uses an oxidation process to provide energy. Cancer cells use a very inefficient fermentation process that produces lactic acid to produce energy. Cancer is 15 times more efficient than healthy tissue in removing glucose from blood. That is why people waste away when they have cancer. The body is cannibalizing itself to produce nutrients for the body, but the cancer is more efficient than healthy tissue in removing the glucose from the blood. Pancreatic enzymes digest proteins and attack the protein membrane and allow the immune system to identify cancer as a foreign invader. To be effective, enzymes must be taken between meals, so they go into the blood. If protein enzymes are taken at mealtime they react with the food and don't get in the blood where they are needed. The Willard Water keeps the pH of the blood at 7.35. Cancer thrives in an acid environment and most alternative treatments keep the pH on the alkali side. If you have cancer it means that your body is malfunctioning. You can either correct the malfunction or you can take radiation and chemo, both highly toxic, that not only kill the cancer but also damage healthy cells. I believe nearly all cancer can be effectively reversed and eliminated but it takes a total commitment. Cook with olive oil. Eat raw or lightly cooked vegetables. Make a smoothy out of fruit and vegetables each morning in a high-speed blender that breaks down cell walls and frees the nutrients and enzymes. Eliminate red meat and carbonated beverages because they make your body acidic. Eliminate sugar and simple carbohydrates because they turn to glucose and that's what cancer feeds on. There are two books I highly recommend: “Fear Cancer No More” by Mauris Emeka. You can buy it at the Uptown Nutrition store in Port Townsend,Washington or Google www.cancernomore.com. Also “Outsmart Your Cancer” by Tanya Harder Pierce. It can be purchased on the internet. E Mail me at porttownsendthinktank@gmail.com. Also, you can order Vibe at Eniva. Get the original Vibe. You can modify the protocol. If you can't digest cottage cheese, increase the lecithin or take an enzyme that will allow you to digest cottage cheese. There is also lactose-free cottage cheese. “Fear Cancer No More” recommends eating 20 to 25 apricot kernels per day for the laetrile. Discuss everything with your healthcare provider. Read everything you can on cancer and understand how it works. Cancer just means that your body is malfunctioning and sending you a message that you need to change. Phase in the protocol over a week or two. If something causes digestive problems, make adjustments. All of the recent studies I have seen have said that antioxidants and nutrition support make chemo and radiation more effective and lessen the harmful effects. Talk to your healthcare provider. There are other effective alternative treatments. Read “Outsmart Your Cancer.” In Port Townsend we have several good medical doctors that practice Integrative Medicine. Integrative Medicine is using both conventional and alternative medicine. We also have at least three very good naturopathic doctors. They have gone through medical school and then on to study natural medicine. One naturopath owns the Uptown Nutrition store on Lawrence St and the other two have a clinic called Origins Natural Medicine at 213 Decatur St., phone 360-385-5375. They also sell high quality supplements. There are no miracle cures for cancer and no protocol works on every cancer. That is why you have to read everything you can on conventional and alternative treatments and determine what is best for you. Plan on a slow steady recovery.
Reversing Cancer Naturally - Part II Cancer in the United States is a 220-billion-dollar business. An estimated 11 billion dollars is spent each year on cancer treatment drugs. Unfortunately, drug companies are not interested in finding a cure that would put them out of business. They are interested in finding a drug they can patent and charge 5,000 to 10,000 dollars per month from desperate people. The Protocol works because it was designed to operate on a cellular level to repair damaged cells and return them to a functioning condition. While most cancer protocols try to kill cancer cells, this Protocol attempts to repair the cellular damage that made cancer possible. I am a journalist, so I am making the information available as a public service. If you have a medical problem, seek advice from a healthcare professional. If you use the protocol, let me know how it worked. Budwig Cancer Diet: Dr Budwig passed away at the age of 95 in the year 2003. She has two PhD degrees, one in chemistry and the other in physics. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine seven times. In 1952 she was the German central government's senior expert on fats and edible oils. Dr Budwig determined by her research that highly processed unsaturated fats have lost their ability to combine with proteins and become water soluble. For the cells to function properly they must have electron-rich, highly-unsaturated fats in the outer cell membrane. Without the proper unsaturated fats the electron charge between the cell membrane and the nucleus is disrupted. The cooking oil that you buy in the food store has been stabilized at a high temperature in order for it to have a long shelf life and is essentially dead. Dr Budwig further determined that she could repair the outer cell membrane by giving the cancer patient a mixture of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. The cottage cheese is a rich source of protein and sulfur, which forms an emulsion with the flaxseed oil; it then can be used by the body to repair the outer cell membrane. We also added a rounded teaspoon of lecithin for every tablespoon of flaxseed oil because it is a good emulsifying agent and contains beneficial phosphorus compounds. Dr. Budwig claimed her success rate with treating cancer patients was 90%. A large portion of her patients were terminal and had failed to respond to conventional treatment. The Protocol is an updated version of the Budwig Cancer Protocol. The Willard Water keeps the body pH at the proper level and decreases the surface tension of water and allows nutrients to pass through cell walls more easily. Co-enzyme Q10 is the basic enzyme that allows cells to turn glucose into energy. Vibe made by Eniva: Vibe, made by Eniva corporation, is a liquid nutritional supplement that comes in a 32-ounce bottle and contains just about every vitamin, mineral, and extract the human body needs. Eniva recommends one ounce per day for normal health maintenance, one ounce equals two tablespoons. Eniva has said that you can use up to three ounces per day of Vibe. I have been using Vibe for a number of years. The ingredients in Vibe have a very small molecular diameter so they can easily pass through the walls of the digestive system into the blood. Because of the small molecular diameter, the ingredients in Vibe are able to furnish nutritional support at the cellular level. The ability of Vibe to function on a cellular level makes Vibe an important ingredient in the protocol. Don't take everything the first day. Phase in the Protocol over a week or so. If you can't digest cottage cheese, get some enzymes at the local health store to digest milk products. You can also buy lactose free cottage cheese. The protocol is flexible so modify it to fit your situation. You need to become an expert on cancer. Willard Water: Bacteria in the soil produce organic compounds in food that stimulate bacteria in the intestines, decrease surface tension in water, and make it easier for vitamins, minerals, and glucose to pass through the cells outer membrane so they can be used by the cell. The organic compounds also keep the pH of the blood and lymph at 7.35 where it should be. Cancer produces energy by a fermentation process and one of the metabolic products is lactic acid. As a result, the blood gets more and more acidic as the cancer progresses. Most alternative cancer protocols keep the body chemistry alkaline. Unfortunately, commercial fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides kill the bacteria in the soil, so there is only 5-10 % of bacteria remaining compared to what an organic farm would have. Willard Water is made from lignite coal that was produced by bacteria in an anaerobic environment. The organic compounds produced by the bacteria in the lignite are concentrated and sold as Willard Water. About 60 miles south of Portland, Oregon is a 4-foot-thick seam of lignite coal that was made from sea weed. In the spring, a trickle of brown water seeps out from the bottom of the coal seam. The grass along the little stream grows six feet tall. The Indians used the brown water as a tonic and so did the settlers in the area. Dr. Leonard Thompson studied the brown water and realized its significance. He was a member of the National Academy of Science until his death three years ago at the age of 91. He had multiple PhD degrees and a worldwide reputation in several areas of research. He was a good friend and I visited him in Oregon every few months. Dr. Willard, who developed Willard Water, was a chemistry professor at the South Dakota School of Mines in Rapid City, S.D. He learned of the research done by Dr. Thompson and found a source of lignite coal suitable for extracting the organic compounds now found in Willard Water. Another source of information on soil micronutrients is Dr. David Jubb. He is a college professor in California and was a speaker at our local Grange and is an expert on micronutrients found in soil. The information I have is from conversations with Dr. Thompson and Dr. Jubb. The main reason that organic vegetables are more nutritious is the high level of bacteria and other organisms in the soil. It is known that organisms in the soil produce micronutrients and that chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides sharply decrease the organisms in the soil and therefore the micronutrients they produce. Willard Water is important and inexpensive. Put 3 tablespoons of Willard Water dark concentrate in a gallon of water and drink at least 36 ounces of the mixture each day. Do not use chlorinated water. Ashwagandha and curcumin: Both of these organic extracts have anti-inflamitory characteristics and anti-cancer properties. There is a lot of information on the internet, so I am not going to discuss them in detail. The concentration of active ingredients varies, so use as directed on the bottle. Co-enzyme Q10: Co-enzyme Q10 is the basic enzyme that allows the body to turn glucose into energy. The heart uses 10 times more than the rest of the body for each unit of weight. Because the protocol is attempting to repair damaged cells, Co-enzyme Q10 is important. The protocol is designed to repair damaged cells; especially, the outer cell membrane. To beat cancer requires a total commitment as well as life style and eating changes. Do not eat red meat or drink carbonated beverages because they make the body chemistry acidic. Eat raw or lightly cooked vegetables. Each morning make a smoothy with a high-speed blender that breaks the fruit and vegetables down to a cellular level and frees the nutrients and enzymes. To be able to absorb fat soluble vitamins you need a little oil in the smoothy. A little olive oil or flaxseed oil or half an avocado will do. Use fruit and vegetables with a high nutritional density in the smoothy like blueberries, carrots, and spinach. Do not eat sugar or simple carbohydrates because they produce glucose that feeds the cancer. Keep a positive attitude and keep your family and friends informed. When you win your battle with cancer, you will be everyone's hero. Stress, fear, and anger have to be kept under control. Try meditation, prayer, support groups, and yoga, etc. Remember, cancer means that your body is malfunctioning and you have to correct the malfunction. Get an oncologist that you can work with or a family doctor or a naturopathic doctor. There are still a few oncologists who believe that unless your hair falls out and you look like the walking dead the chemo isn't working. Recent studies have shown that nutritional support and supplements make chemo and radiation more effective and help rebuild the body's immune system. I can't stress this enough: if you find a lump or have an unexplained pain or are passing blood, see a healthcare professional immediately. I believe in integrative medicine, which is taking the best from conventional and alternative medicines. You can modify the protocol to meet you own situation. The Budwig diet recommends 2 tablespoons of cold pressed flaxseed oil in a quarter-cup of cottage cheese twice a day and using a hand held electric mixer to mix it to a creamy texture. If you eat a lot of roughage you can probably tolerate 4 tablespoons of flaxseed oil a day. Vibe can be increased to 4 ounces per day for up to a month. “Fear Cancer no More” recommends eating 20-25 apricot kernels per day for the laetrile. A good probiotic will help keep your digestive system functioning properly. You must take responsibility for your own health. Some good references are: “Fear Cancer No More” by Mauris Emeka. You can buy it at the Uptown Nutrition store in Port Townsend, Washington or buy it on line at www.cancernomore.com. Another good book and alternative treatment is: “Outsmart Your Cancer” by Tanya Harder Pierce. It can be purchased on line. There is a vast amount of information on the internet and some websites like www.cancertutor.com are good. For Willard Water dark concentrate call 1-800-447-4793. I have found Swanson a low cost mail order company with quality products: www.swanson.com or 1-800-437-4148. Carotec is good: www.carotec.com or call 1-800-522-4279. Go to Eniva, the company that sells Vibe. My E-Mail address is jfritz@olypen.com. Leave a message on my home phone: 360-385-4876. Buy cold pressed refrigerated flaxseed oil and keep it refrigerated. Buy it locally. I am a journalist, so I can tell you what I know and what other people have done. Ask a healthcare professional for medical advice. We have had good results with the above protocol, but nothing works 100% of the time. Read the two books I recommended and plan on a slow but steady recovery. Good luck. Keep in touch. Alternative Cancer Treatments Commonly Used Cancer is a metabolic disorder that is not difficult to reverse but it takes a lot of self discipline and time. We have successfully reversed liver cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, and lymphoma. All over the world, alternative cancer centers have had a similar success. This is in spite of the fact that most people don't use alternative medicine until conventional medicine gives up on them. Chemo therapy has less than a 4% success rate for stage 4 cancers that have spread. The world's leading cancer biologist is Dr. Thomas Seyfried PhD. He said in an interview that he had no problems getting grants until he started curing cancer and then the grants dried up. Cancer is a 220 billion dollar industry and drug companies are looking for long term treatments and not a cure for cancer. 1. The Ketogenic diet: When fats are digested they produce keytones, which the body can use for energy. Fortunately, cancer can only use glucose for energy, so by getting most of your energy from the digestion of fats you deprive cancer of the energy it needs to survive. There are good fats and bad fats. Good fats are olive oil, avocado oil, cold pressed flax seed oil, organic butter from grass fed cows, coconut oil and other raw oils that have not been stabilized by heating. Unroasted raw seeds and nuts are also good. Bad oils are margarine, hydrogenated oils, yellow cooking oils made from seed plants, and, in fact, any oil that has been heated to a high temperature to stabilize it which prevents it from becoming rancid. The good oils supply energy and also the essential oils necessary for the cells to form cell membranes and for replication of new cells. Growing up on a farm I knew that you have to bait a trap with real butter or peanut butter to catch a rat. Rats will not eat margarine. I figured if a rat won't eat margarine, I shouldn't either. Dr. Thomas Seyfried PhD, is a proponent of the Ketogenic Diet. 2. Hyperbaric treatment of cancer: Cancer gets its energy from the fermentation of glucose. Oxygen is harmful to cancer and interferes with the fermentation process which is anaerobic. Basically the patient is put in a chamber with a higher than normal pressure and a higher than normal oxygen content. The oxygen floods the cancer and kills it. Usually Hyperbaric treatments are part of an overall treatment protocol. 3. Hyperthermic treatment of cancer: Cancer is more sensitive to elevated temperature than healthy tissue so alternative clinics put a person or an arm or leg that has cancer in a tank of water and bring the temperature up to 107 degrees F. under a doctor's supervision. The cancer in most cases dies. 4. The Cesium Chloride Protocol: Cesium chloride is next to potassium on the periodic chart in chemistry. It has similar chemical properties to potassium. Cancer needs large amounts of glucose because the fermentation process requires 16 times more glucose than the more efficient mitochondria. The cancer cells have no problem getting rid of potassium but the cesium builds up and poisons the cancer cell. The Ph in the cancer cell can go as high as 8.4, this is toxic to the cancer and the cancer dies. If I was told that I had only 2 or 3 weeks to live, I would use the cesium chloride cancer protocol. It can be dangerous so you need to talk to someone like the Cancer Tutor for the proper protocol. It can kill so many cancer cells that the person goes into shock from all of the dead material in the person's body. It can also cause potassium problems. So talk to someone that has used it before. There are specific protocols for brain cancer and pancreatic cancer so check with Cancer Tutor at cancertutor.com. 5. Merck, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has an immune therapeutic drug out called Keytruda. The company drug website says people using Keytruda live twice as long and have a better quality of life than people on Chemo. It costs 500 dollars-per-day to take Keytruda. In the immune therapeutic drugs protocol, the killer T cells in the immune system are programed to locate and attack cancer. Sometimes the killer T cells attack the wrong target and the cancer patient gets nasty and sometimes life-threatening side effects. Hundreds of companies are trying to find new immune cancer drugs and billions of dollars is being spent on research related to immune drugs that locate and attack cancer. Unfortunately, they all assume that cancer is caused by genetic damage and mutations, which is not the case. 6. The Fritz Immune Therapy Protocol: Not everyone can afford to spend 500 dollars per day for Keytruda and most expect to live longer than three years which is what the average is for Keytruda. Cancer thrives in a low oxygen and highly acid environment. It surrounds the cancer with a protein membrane that it makes from protein taken from the blood. I use Willard Water, [1-800-447-4793], to restore the Ph on the inside of the cancerous cells. Bacteria in the soil produce organic compounds that decrease the surface tension in water. They make it easier for nutrients and oxygen to pass through cell walls and, most importantly, the organic compounds keep the Ph in the cell at 7.35 where it should be. Willard Water replaces or acts as a substitute for the soil-produced organic compounds. Take 3 tablespoons of Willard Water dark concentrate and put them in a gallon of water that doesn't have any chlorine in it and drink three glasses each day. This will keep the cell Ph at 7.35. I recommend taking Vinpocetine to increase the oxygen in the cell. I suggest Swanson E3SWH090, one capsule each three times a day. Also take Curcumin.. I recommend Swanson E3SWH271, one capsule three times per day. It has 5 mg of bioperine in it per capsule to make it more bio available. The Swanson contact number is 1-800-437-4148. We need to remove the protein membrane that surrounds cancer so the immune system can locate and attack the cancer. We use the enzyme papain from the papaya taken at night and between meals. Take several just before you go to bed and a couple between meals. Between meals take a couple of the enzyme capsules at least 45 minutes before the next meal. Leave at least 12 hours between the dinner at night and breakfast. That is the time your body repairs its self. Carotec makes probably the best pancreatic enzyme. We use papain because it is inexpensive and works. The papain order number at Swanson is:E3SW279. Lastly, we need to boost the immune system. We recommend the prescription drug Low Dose Naltrexone. In Europe 10 million people use LDN for autoimmune diseases and cancer. Go to the LDN home page for more information. LDN will increase your immune system 300%. LDN must be taken just before you go to bed at night, but don't take it if you are taking an opiate pain killer. LDN was first used to treat heroin addicts and it will make you vomit if you have an opiate pain killer in your system. I have other ways of boosting your immune system on my website. The Fritz Immune Therapy Protocol costs roughly 4 dollars per day. There are very little side effects but don't take everything the first day. Cancer has taken over your system and you need time to adjust to a new system. My web site is www.porttownsendthinktank.org. Consider making a donation so I can continue my research. Thanks. 7. The Budwig Cancer Diet: Dr. Johanna Budwig PhD had a cancer clinic in Germany in the 50s and 60s where she had over an 80% success rate curing advanced cancers with a vegetarian diet and cold pressed refrigerated flax seed oil mixed with low fat cottage cheese. She used fresh caught trout for the fish oil. Dr. Budwig had a PhD in chemistry and another in physics. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine seven times and was the leading authority in Germany on edible oils and fats. Her research indicated that the biggest cause of cancer was lack of undamaged omega-3 fatty acids that the body needs for cell membranes and cell division. She recommended two or more tablespoons of cold pressed flax seed oil mixed with low fat cottage cheese in an electric mixer to be taken twice a day. The cottage cheese is a high value sulfur-based protein. The mixture forms water soluble emulsions that the body can use to repair cell damage. The Budwig Cancer diet is still used today and there are Budwig clinics that have a high success rate with advanced cancers. Email: budwig@budwigcenter.eu. 8. The Fritz Revised Budwig Cancer Protocol: We added lecithin to the flax seed oil and cottage cheese mixture and used enzymes to remove the protein membrane around the cancer cells so the immune system could locate and attack the cancer. We added vitamins, minerals and supplements to the Budwig diet. Read the full discussion in my website at: www.porttownsendthinktank.org. 9. Vitamin B-17 Which was formerly called Laetrile. Apricot seeds and certain other foods have a chemical in them that reacts with a chemical in cancer to produce cyanide which kills the cancer. Fortunately, healthy tissue doesn't contain the chemical so it's not affected by the B-17. Apricot seeds are sold over the internet as bitter almonds. I don't know of anyone who has been cured of cancer with B-17, but several people eat 15 or 20 bitter almond seeds per day as part of the alternative treatment protocol. 10. Almost all of the alternative cancer treatments stress diet and lifestyle changes. A good book on the subject is “Fear Cancer No More,” by Mauris Emeka. The book “Out Smart Your Cancer” lists some of the best cancer treatments. Tonaya Harder Pierce cured her husband of cancer and went on to research and write the book. I got involved with cancer research when my brother-in-law came down with lymphoma and several friends died from cancer. Always check side effects on the internet and lawsuits. If you do a conventional treatment, check what the survival rate is. 11. Diet and lifestyle: Most alternative cancer treatments recommend a vegetarian diet., Eliminating sugar and simple carbohydrates from the diet is important. Cancer feeds on glucose which is created from sugar and starch. This means potatos, pasta, bread, and rice should be eliminated and replaced by steamed vegetables, beans, lentils, squash etc. Get a good book on vegetarian cooking. Eliminate toxic substances from your diet. That includes smoking, alcoholic drinks, soda pop, msg, artificial sweeteners, red meat; eat organic vegetables if possible. Wild caught salmon or other oily fish can be eaten as often as you like and preferably at least once a week. It is extremely important to eat only healthy fats and oils that have not been damaged by heating or oxidation. Every cell in your body is an omega-3 fatty acid combined with a protein. Good fats include: Olive oil, cold pressed refrigerated flax seed oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and butter from grass-fed cows are good fats. Eat nuts and seeds that have not been roasted. Almonds, walnuts, and hazel nuts are especially good. They can be purchased at Costco for a reasonable price. Fats to be avoided are margarine and any hydrogenated oils or oils stabilized at high temperature so they won't go rancid. The yellow cooking oils in super markets can sit on the shelf for months and not go bad because they have been heated to high temperature to stabilize them. They can not be used by the body for cell division. Fast foods, convenience food, and highly processed food of all kinds are sadly lacking in the essential oils the body needs for cell division and repair. That is why the Budwig diet and eating healthy oils is important. 12. In 1910 John D. Rockefeller gave large sums of money to all of the hospitals that train doctors. There was a stipulation that they could only teach that disease can only be prevented, treated, and cured with prescription-patented medicine. That is what is taught in medical schools today. Doctors have almost no background in nutrition. Cancer is a complex nutrition disorder. Both conventional and alternative treatments are more effective if a nutritional program is followed. I do not recommend anything like Chemo that damages the immune system. Unfortunately, oncologists were trained that cancer is caused by genetic damage and Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery are still the preferred options. You must find a health care professional you can work with and you must make a total commitment to win against cancer. Support groups are important, Support from family and friends is important. Meditation, prayer, and stress management is important. You must take responsibility for your health and listen to your body. Cancer can be reversed and no one should die from cancer. More than one protocol can be used at a time. For instance, a Budwig clinic might use hyperthermia and hyperbaric treatments with the Budwig diet. I strongly recommend Willard Water and Vibe and a diet eliminating sugar and simple carbohydrates. A diet containing good oils and eliminating oils that have been stabilized is also essential. The discussion is the result of 12 years of research and is not intended to advise, diagnose or treat any medical condition. If you have a medical problem consult a health care professional immediately. James Fritz, Director Port Townsend Think Tank: www.porttownsendthinktank.org | Cell: 360-316-9635 | Email: jfritz@olypen.com
Warning to people taking blood thinners and anti-clot medication If you take a blood thinner, you need to check with your healthcare provider and get your blood checked often. Vitamin E and K2 will thin your blood slightly. All of the enzymes that dissolve proteins will thin the blood slightly. Even fish oil and flax seed oil can affect your blood, so be careful. Check with your healthcare provider and make changes slowly. The protocol should be safe for people not on blood thinners. There are exceptions. If you are allergic to sulfur, don't take the M.S.M., and if you are allergic to iodine, don't take the Vibe, it has a little iodine in it. Do your own research and become an expert. Low-dose naltrexone will boost your immune system 300%, but it can not be used if you are taking an opium-based pain killer. It also must be taken late at night because your endorphins are produced between one and four in the morning. You can not take a cancer alternative treatment called carnavora if you are using hypothermia, heat therapy, because it thins your blood and you could die. There are mushroom extracts that appear safe that boost the immune system. Play it safe and talk to your medical provider or pharmacist if you have questions and make changes slowly. Use the internet to research products. Always check side effects and lawsuits. What Causes Cancer? It is taught in medical schools that cancer is caused by DNA damage. Actually, cancer is a metabolic dysfunction. The biggest cause of cancer is the lack of essential oils in the US diet. Every cell in your body needs the essential oils lenolenic fatty acid, lenoleic fatty acid, and EPA and DHA. They are needed for the outer cell membrane and cell division. Cancer is actually a survival strategy for when the mitochondria quit producing energy. The cytoplasm can produce energy by fermentation but this is an inefficient process and doesn't require oxygen. Part of the cancer cell's survival strategy is rapid cell division, random mutations, and a protein membrane around the cell to hide it from the immune system. The cancer creates the mutations as part of its survival strategy not the other way around.
Some very good books to read are:
How to Fight Cancer and Win | by William L. Fischer Tripping Over the Truth | by Travis M Christofferson M.S. What is the Origin of Cancer | by Robb Wolf - Internet article Eat to Beat Cancer | by J. Robert Hatherill, Ph.D. Fear Cancer No More | by Mauris Emeka Outsmart Your Cancer | by Tanya Harder Pierce Cancer as a Metabolic Disease | by Thomas Seyfried, PhD I can also recommend the Life Extension Magazine for basic nutrition and excellent products.
Why No Cure Has Been Found For Cancer Cancer is not a disease, it is a survival strategy. The outer cell membrane has a negative charge and the mitochondria has a positive charge. The mitochondria takes oxygen and glucose and produces A.T.P. which is stored and used by the cell for energy. If the mitochondria quits producing energy there is a back-up system. The protoplasm can produce energy by fermenting glucose. This produces energy and lactic acid. The lactic acid causes the Ph in the cell to drop and become acidic. When the Ph drops to around 6 it activates a survival program in the DNA from the distant past. Part of the survival program is rapid cell division and random mutations. Unless the body destroys the defective cell, cancer is produced. Cancer produces the random mutations. The mutations do not cause the cancer. We have been reversing cancer with food and supplements. This would not be possible if cancer was caused by mutations. Our protocol is on this page. In 1924 Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering that cancer was a metabolic disease and produced energy by a fermentation process that did not require oxygen. Also, that oxygen was toxic to cancer. In the 1950s and 60s Dr. Johanna Budwig in Germany was saving over 80% of her cancer patients with diet and essential oils. We have been using the Budwig Cancer Diet, vitamins and minerals, and supplements to repair cells and reverse cancer. This would not be possible if cancer was caused by mutations. Today a number of people are working on cancer as a metabolic disorder. Dr. Thomas Sayfried, a professor of biology at Boston College, has an excellent book out called Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. Cancer is a 220 billion dollar industry and as long as everyone is convinced that cancer is caused by mutations the treatment can only get more expensive. The protocol we developed costs roughly 200 dollars per month and the only side effect of an optimum diet is good health. There is no money to be made by the cancer industry using our protocol. Also, alzheimers is caused by a metabolic disorder and UCLA has a protocol that has ben able to reverse alzheimers in 80% of their patients with up to 50% cognitive deficit in less than 6 months. Keeping the bacteria in yout gut and your mitochondria happy are essential to good health. James Fritz: Director Port Townsend Think Tank
Reversing Cancer There is no reason anyone should die from cancer. Cancer is not even a disease. Cancer is a survival strategy that the cell has for when the mitochondria quit producing energy. In a healthy cell 90% of the energy is produced by the mitochondria and 10% by the rest of the cell. When the mitochondria quits producing energy the protoplasm starts producing energy by fermentation. This is a anaerobic process that doesn’t require oxygen and produces energy and lactic acid. The lactic acid causes the cell to have a low Ph, probably in the range of 5.7 to 6.0. In a low oxygen acidic environment a survival program in the cells DNA is actuated. Rapid cell division and random mutation is a obvious part of the survival strategy. Chemo and radiation only stress the cancer and cause it to increase it’s mutations in an attempt to survive. The low oxygen level and acid environment cause the cell to revert back to when cells existed as a colony and not as part of a complex animal. Cancer is a natural process and can be reversed. We developed a four-pronged attack on cancer:
2. Give the body the essential oils and building blocks it needs to repair damaged cell and for future cell division. 3. Life style changes such as eliminate simple carbohydrates and sugars, manage stress, eliminate toxic substances, and follow a optimum anti cancer diet. 4. Use anti cancer treatments that target cancer cells and don’t stress normal cells. This also includes improving the persons immune system and using protein dissolving enzymes to dissolve the protein membrane around cancer cells. Protein dissolving enzymes should be taken at night just before the person goes to sleep and between meals and at least 45 minutes before the next meal. Cancer is a 220 billion dollar industry based on the false theory that cancer is caused by genetic mutations. The goal of the cancer industry is to produce expensive treatments that they can make money off of. The latest treatment is immuno therapy which programs the immune system to kill cancer cells. Alternative cancer treatment has been using a version of immuno therapy for decades. The cancer patient takes large dose of enzymes each day at bedtime that dissolve the protein membrane around cancer cells so the immune system can recognize the cancer and kill it. Also supplements are taken to improve the immune system. There are clinics in Germany and Mexico that have a 85% success rate treating stage 4 cancer using both conventional and alternative treatments. The latest person to use our protocol is a 78 year old retired woman with 3 lesions on her liver and night sweats so bad she had to get up 3 times each night and change clothes. She was given one year or less to live. Today after 3 years, she is symptom free and looks and feels fine. A little cancer is left but the cancer is slowly going away. So far we have had 100% success reversing cancer with a small number of people with cancer using our protocol to repair mitochondrial dysfunction. We are not against conventional treatment as long as the treatment does not damage the persons immune system or stress healthy cells. Mutations do not cause cancer. Cancer causes mutations and rapid cell division and mutations are part of cancers primitive survival program. Our protocol to repair mitochondrial functions requires diet and lifestyle changes and about 200 dollars per month is health supplements. There is some excellent research going on concerning cancer as a metabolic disorder. Google cancer as a metabolic disease and the metabolic origins of cancer. Dr. Thomas N Seyfried PHD, a biology professor at Boston College has a excellent book out, “ Cancer as a Metabolic Disease.” Also Dominic D’Agostino PHD has done excellent work on cancer biology and using the ketogenic diet for cancer patients. I personally believe that nobody should die from cancer but that research is crippled by the need for drug companies to show a profit and the American Medical Associations belief that cancer can only be prevented, treated or cured by prescription drugs. Restoring cellular functions, especially in the outer cell membrane and mitochondria is the new frontier in medicine. UCLA in California has developed a protocol that enables them to return 80% of their patients with less than 50% cognitive deficit back to the normal range in 6 months or less. Dr. Dale Bredesen who heads the research effort has a book out, The End of Alzheimers. They restore the cellular functions by balancing 36 different factors. Their research concluded that alzheimers is caused by 3 things: inflammation, less than optimum diet, and toxic substances in the environment. We have concluded that cancer is caused by the same 3 factors. Cancer is simply a survival strategy for the cell when the mitochondria quit producing energy and the process can be reversed. The outer cell membrane keeps out bacteria, virus, and pathogens. It lets in oxygen and nutrients and allows metabolic waste to leave. The process is very complex and delicate. To use chemo and radiation on delicate cells is crude and damaging. There are enough treatment options now using both conventional and alternative treatments that few if any people should die from cancer. I am a research scientist and journalist. I would be pleased to share our research information with researchers. If you have a medical problem find a health care professional you can work with. Do not procrastinate. People that survive serious healthcare problems take responsibility for their own health. James Fritz: Director Port Townsend Think Tank || E Mail: jfritz@olypen.com Fritz Revised Budwig Cancer Diet You have permission to use this information in all or in part. You may publish it, put it on Facebook or anything you like. I am in contact with several Budwig Centers. If you E-Mail me I will pass along the contact information. They also use hyperthermia to elevate the body temperature and kill the cancer. UCLA has developed a protocol for reversing alzheimers after 28 years of research. They are able to return 80% of their patients with up to a 50% cognitive deficit back to a normal testing range in 6 months. They do it by repairing the mitochondria in cells. Repairing mitochondria and the outer cell membrane is the new frontier in medicine. At UCLA the have found there are 36 factors that need to be considered in a patient to reverse alzheimers. They use no prescription medication. Their protocol is very similar to our protocol. All of the research is transferable to cancer research as both cancer and alzheimers are caused by inflammation, less than optimum diet , and toxic substances in the environment. Both require repairing the mitochondria and outer cell membrane. Google “UCLA alzheimers protocol” or buy the book , “ The End of Alzheimers,” by Dr. Dale Bredesen who managed the research . It is an excellent book. Cancer is not a disease, it’s a survival strategy. If the mitochondria quit producing energy, then energy is produced in the protoplasm by a fermentation process. Unfortunately part of the survival strategy is rapid cell division and random mutation. The mitochondria has the kill switch to self-destruct for the good of the organism. If the mitochondria is disabled, then there is no self-destruct mechanism. Chemo, radiation, and surgery stress the cancer and stimulate it to faster mutations. Ten years ago my brother in law came down with a slow developing lymphoma, so we had time for alternative treatment. We took the Budwig protocol and added lecithin to the cottage cheese flax seed oil mixture and vitamins, minerals and some very good health supplements and in a year a hollow needle biopsy showed he was cancer free. A number of people have successfully used our revised Budwig Protocol in the last 10 years. We have refined and modified the protocol as new information became available. About three years ago a 78 year old retired nurse and her husband stopped by for coffee. I knew something was wrong because they looked 20 years older. The nurse explained that she had 3 cancerous lesions on her liver and night sweats so bad she had to get up 3 times each night to change clothes. She had had two previous bouts with breast cancer. The most recent was 6 years previous and this cancer was the same genetically as the breast cancer. She was too old and the cancer was too far advanced for conventional treatment. She was given a year to live. They were desperate and asked if I had any suggestions. I told them about the protocol and they decided to try it. In 3 months she went to her oncologist in Seattle, and a scan showed that the cancerous lesions had decreased by 50%. The retired nurse didn’t tell the oncologist what she was doing and the only prescription medication she was taking was to suppress the estrogen. Her oncologist couldn’t explain what was going on. Now 3 years later the nurse looks 20 years younger and is symptom free. She has good color and energy. The cancer is almost gone. She has started taking 15 apricot kernels a day for the laetrile. We want to finish killing the cancer. It has shown no indication or spreading. The protocol also has anti-aging properties. I decided to put the protocol on my web site for anyone to use. As far as I am concerned cancer treatment in the US is a 220 billion dollar scam.
Johanna Budwig PhD was reported to have had at least an 80% success rate treating cancer patients in Germany in the 1950s and 60s. We decided that we could improve on her work by adding vitamins, minerals, and supplements. 1. We used Johanna Budwig’s flax seed-cottage cheese protocol except we added a rounded tablespoon of lecithin to the mixture. We started out with one tablespoon of flaxseed oil in 3 or 4 heaping tablespoons of low fat 2% cottage cheese or the equivalent and a rounded tablespoon of granular sunflower lecithin. Mix the mixture in an electric or mechanical mixer to a creamy texture. Do this twice a day. We eventually recommend increasing this to 2-tablespoons of cold pressed refrigerated flax oil seed twice a day. The low fat cottage cheese furnishes a high value sulphur based protein. The Lecithin is a good emulsifying agent and provides phosphatides. Phosphatides are necessary for normal cell division and albumin from which blood is formed. When mixed properly the cottage cheese, lecithin and flax seed oil form a water soluble emulsion that the body can use to repair cell membranes and for cell replication. The cell membrane has a negative charge and the mitochondria has a positive charge. Glucose and oxygen are combined in the mitochondria to form ATP which is stored and used in the cell as energy. The membrane needs a polyunsaturated fat with a rich cloud of electrons. If all the cell gets is stabilized cooking oils, the battery quits working. If the mitochondria quits working, then the cell switches over to produce energy in the protoplasm by fermentation and you have the possibility of cancer. Also a defective outer cell membrane can allow bacteria and other parasites to enter the cell. Use only cold pressed refrigerated flax seed oil. All of the essential oils are easily damaged by heat and oxidation. 2. I discussed fish oil with a Budwig center and they believe people are better taking two capsules of krill oil each day instead of fish oil, one capsule in the morning and one in the evening. Also eat fatty fish like wild caught salmon once or twice a week. This supplies the DHA and EPA fatty acids that the body needs for cell replication and outer cell membranes that function properly. Technically the body can manufacture the DHA and EPA from the linolenic and linoleic fatty acids in flaxseed oil, but as you get older this doesn’t happen. I recently read a study that determined that the best indicator of future heart problems was the omega 3 level in your cells. There was almost no correlation with your cholesterol level. 3. Buy some Willard Water dark concentrate, It can be purchased from the Nutrition Coalition, [1-800-447-4793]. Put 3 tablespoons in a gallon of water that does not have any chlorine in it. Drink two or three glasses of the mixture each day. Some people put it in their smoothy. Microbes in soil produce organic compounds that are necessary to properly utilize nutrients. Google David Gubb PhD., he is the authority on micro-nutrition from soil bacteria. The humic and fulvic organic acids the microbes produce: Decrease the surface tension of water, stimulate the bacteria in your digestive system, allow vitamins and minerals to better pass through cell membranes. The most important function of Willard Water is that it keeps the PH in the cells at 7.35 which is important. Cancer produces lactic acid and energy by a anaerobic fermentation process. The lactic acid causes the PH to become more acidic, which favors the cancer. Unfortunately the chemicals that commercial agriculture uses kills the bacteria in the soil. 4. In the morning make a smoothy in a high speed blender, this breaks down cell walls freeing the enzymes. Drink it within 2 hours as the enzymes will deteriorate in the mixture rapidly. Use high value organic fruits and vegetables like blueberries, celery, spinach, kale, etc. You need a tablespoon of oil or half an avocado or something to furnish fat. Fat soluble vitamins will be better absorbed with a little oil in the smoothy. 5. Vibe made by Eniva (866-999-9191) provides nutrition on a cellular level. Vibe comes in a 32-ounce bottle. Get the original vibe. It contains about every vitamin, mineral, and extract you need. Eniva recommends taking one ounce per day for maintenance and up to 3 ounces per day for health problems. One ounce is two tablespoons of Vibe. Drink it in a glass of water or juice. You can also put it in your smoothy. Start with a half ounce per day and work up to two ounces per day. Take one ounce of Vibe in the morning and one in the evening. Vibe does have iodine in it. If you are allergic to iodine you will have to substitute something else. I ran across across a cancer protocol that used 4 ounces of Vibe a day, but the company doesn’t recommend more than 3 ounces per day. I talked to the Sales Manager about 6 years ago and he said that Eniva had written testimonials from 5000 people that claimed Vibe had cured their cancer. He said that Eniva could never use that information without being stomped on by the FDA. They keep the molecular size very small so the product goes into your system on a cellular level. It’s expensive, it costs about 50 dollars per bottle and you need 2 per month. 6. Cancer cells surround themselves with a protein membrane, which hides them from the immune system, and then blood vessels form to feed the cancer. By taking enzymes that dissolve proteins at night and between meals, the enzymes will destroy the protein membrane that hides the cancer from the immune system. The nurse takes 3 enzyme capsules at night. She uses Papain, which is an enzyme from papaya she buys from Swanson (1 800-437-4148). I believe the best enzyme is manufactured by Carotec (1-800-522-4237). You can buy 400 capsules for 75 dollars. I have heard there is a woman in Southern Idaho that has an 80% success rate with cancer that everyone else has given up on, and she gives patients 30 or 40 wobenzyme pancreatic capsules per day. I would not recommend anything that extreme. 7. Take 200 to 400 mg of Co Q10 per day. Use a variety that is bioavailable. The Budwig center recommends ubiquinol which is a very bioavailable form of Co Q10 Co Q10 is the basic enzyme that allows the body to produce energy from glucose and has been found to have anti-cancer properties. 8. Also take curcumin and ashwagandha. Both are strong anti-inflammatory supplements and ashwagandha blocks stress hormones. Everyone with cancer is under stress. They also block an enzyme cancer needs to reproduce. There is a lot of information on the internet of both curcumin and ashwagandha. Also take M.S.M Which is methylsophonalmethane. It is a readily available source of organic sulfur and furnishes methane ions the body needs in some of the chemical reactions. Take 2000 mg per day. Take one in the morning and one at night. The above is the main part of the protocol. 9. We recommend 6000 units of vitamin D3, 2000 units of vitamin C, 10,000 units of Beta Carotene, B complex vitamins etc. 10. The gamma variety of vitamin E. There are actually 8 different types of vitamin E and I like the Gamma with mixed tocopherols best. I like the Swanson E6SWU329 best (1-800-437-4148). I believe that 500 to 800 unites of natural vitamin E of the gamma variety would work fine. 12. For minerals I recommend magnesium, zinc, and selenium and also sea salt. 13. Also look at milk thistle as a possible supplement, especially if you have liver cancer. Check out D.I.M. It is a extract from the cabbage family and it suppresses the bad estrogen that reproductive cancer needs to divide. Another supplement to research is modified grapefruit pectin. This prevents cancer from spreading by combining with the cancer receptors so they can’t attach to tissue. Google my web site for more information. www.porttownsendthinktank.org Life style changes and diet changes are important. Don’t eat sugar or simple carbohydrates. Cancer feeds on glucose. Don’t smoke or use artificial sweeteners or soft drinks. I strongly recommend the ketogenic diet. Fats are changed to ketones, which the body can burn in place of glucose, but cancer can only burn glucose. It takes time for a diet-based protocol to work. If I had only a month or two to live, I would Google Cancer Tutor. There are alternative cancer treatments for advanced cancer. Mexico, Germany, and Spain have clinics that have an 85% success rate with advanced stage 4 cancer. Don’t procrastinate. I can not legally give you any advice. Eat lots of nuts and seeds and fruits and berries. Walnuts, and almonds are high in essential oils. At Costco I buy a 64 ounce bag of dried cranberries for 8 dollars and I have found that by eating a small hand full a day I can keep the arthritis in my hand pain free. Probably the most important thing is take responsibility for your health and find a healthcare professional you can work with. Every person I knew that told me, “I really trust my Doctor,” died. There are no studies that I know of that show chemo and radiation will cure stage 4 metastasized cancer. I firmly believe that no one should die from cancer. Cancer can be reversed or at the worst changed to a chronic condition that can be maintained. I have a friend that has had an aggressive prostate cancer. He has had it for 30 years and he keeps it in check with non-prescription supplements and food. I am a journalist and a medical researcher but not a doctor so I can not give medical advise to individuals. If you have a lump or are passing blood or have a pain you can not explain, see a healthcare professional immediately. Do not procrastinate. You must become your own medical expert. This protocol is just good nutrition. As a rule anything that decreases inflammation has anti-cancer properties and anything that helps the mitochondria function better has anti-cancer properties. Cancer is caused by inflammation, less than optimum diet and toxic substances in the environment. Everyone modifies the protocol to suit their own situation so feel free to make changes. Listen to your body. Fighting cancer has to be your top priority. This paper is a research project and not to be taken personally. Get a healthcare professional you can work with. James Fritz - Director: Port Townsend Think Tank. Email: jfritz@olypen.com P.S. The healthcare system is based on ever increasing profits. Hundred of million of dollars are being spent every year on immuno therapies for cancer. Alternative medicine has been doing something similar for decades. Enzymes, taken between meals and at night before you go to bed, that dissolve proteins are used to remove the membrane around cancer and then the immune system can locate and attack the cancer. There are a number of ways to boost the immune system. The above Revised Budwig Protocol does not kill cancer, it repairs the cellular damage that makes cancer possible. I ran the protocol by a certified nutritionist, and he said it was just good nutrition. The protocol works well with both conventional and alternative therapies,except I am against Chemo or anything that damages healthy tissue. Drug companies are looking for a cancer treatment where a person can lead a normal life as long as they can afford the 10,000 dollars per month for the treatment. There are doctors that practice integrative medicine that take the best of conventional medicine and from alternative medicine. In Port Townsend Washington we have a naturopatic doctor that works with a local oncologist so you have the best of both worlds. Some of the older cancer treatments are better that newer treatments but they are not recommended because the patents have expired. There are hospitals in Germany, Mexico. and Spain that have a 85% success rate treating stage 4 cancer. Look at all options. There is a list of good reference books on cancer on my website. I can recommend a Budwig Center in the US or Europe if you E Mail me. I will help your group any way I can. Please forward this to friends. There is no reason anyone should die from cancer. Cancer is a natural process and can be reversed if you repair the cellular damage. Help me get the information out and donate money for our research effort. Thanks.
We Need Your Help. Every day 1600 people die from cancer because Chemo Therapy has only a 4% success rate on advanced stage-4 cancer. One out of every two men and one out of every three women will be treated for cancer. Medical schools teach that cancer is caused by mutations and every year several billion dollars goes into research based on the mutation theory of cancer. Back in the 1960s Dr. Johanna Budwig PhD. had a cancer clinic that had over an 80% success rate treating advanced cancers using a vegetarian diet and essential oils. We added vitamins, minerals, and supplements to the Budwig Diet and have an even higher success rate. We have successfully reversed breast cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, and lymphoma. We need money to continue our research and to get the word out that cancer is actually a metabolic disorder that can be reversed. There is nothing toxic in our Fritz Revised Cancer Protocol. It is just good nutrition that repairs damaged cells and returns them to an oxygen glucose metabolism. There is some excellent work being done at the university level. Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried PhD. is probably the leading cancer researcher at universities. He is the author of the book Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. He said in an interview that he had no problem getting funding until he started curing cancer; subsequently, his funding dried up. I believe that if Dr. Seyfried adds some of the supplements we use to his Ketogenic diet he can cure over 90% of cancer cases. Over 3 billion dollars every year is spent on cancer research. Almost nothing goes to people like Dr. Seyfried and myself. It's all about money. There is no money allocated for telling people to change their diet and recommend supplements to repair damaged cells. The irony is that we have found a cancer cure but no one knows about it because the media is saturated by information from drug companies and research groups that want grants. Please help fund groups like the Port Townsend Think Tank and Dr. Seyfried that have developed safe effective treatments for treating cancer and other metabolic related diseases. And forward the above information to your Email list and friends. Thanks. James Fritz: Director Port Townsend Think Tank--www.porttownsendthinktank.org | E Mail: jfritz@olypen.com
Reversing Alzheimer's Disease Both cancer and alzheimers are caused by inflammation, less than optimum diet, and toxic substances in the environment which damage the mitochondria in cells. Research in alzheimers helps understand cancer. Recently, at the local Unitarian Church, a two-hour discussion was given by a local medical doctor, Sandra Smith Poling, on reversing Alzheimer's disease. Recent research done by UCLA has shown that even people with a 40 or 50% cognitive deficit can be returned to normal in six months and remain in the normal range of cognitive performance. The UCLA studies used diet and fish oil. It is their belief that Alzheimer's is a metabolic problem that can be reversed. Google UCLA's alzheimers diet. Dr. Daniel Amen has appeared a number of times on Public Television and has written a number of books about diet and restoring brain function with respect to Alzheimer's disease and other mental problems. I highly recommend his books. Google him on the internet and buy a couple of his books; they are best sellers and not expensive. In the 2007 version of the journal Well Being, a woman by the name of Marilyn Knox wrote a article how she reversed her mothers Alzheimer's using food and vitamins. Her mother's speech was garbled and she'd lost control of her bodily functions. In three months her mother was back to normal. She fed her mother fruits, vegetables, and nuts that were run through a blender. By doing so, the cell walls are broken down, freeing all of the nutrients and enzymes. She also gave her mother supplements, including around four ounces of colloidal minerals in an aloe vera base, 25,000 units of beta carotene, and 1200 units of vitamin E. Also, she gave her mother up to 10,000 units of vitamin C taken gradually over the day. She used alpha vitamin E. Evidence indicates that gamma is better or a mixture of all 8 types of vitamin E. I would suggest two or three ounces of Vibe nutritional supplement taken with a glass of water twice a day with half taken each time. Several glasses of Willard Water should be taken over the course of the day as well. Put two tablespoons of Willard Water concentrate in a gallon of pure water. It lasts for a long time and doesn't need refrigeration. Take an ounce of Georges Aloe Vera extract twice a day. I would also take 6000 unites of vitamin D3, 50 mg. of zinc, and 400 mg of Co enzyme Q10. Marilyn Knox took her mother off all medications. The problem is that prescription medications treat symptoms and do not correct the underlying problem. Because I am not a doctor, I can only report what I've read and heard. I cannot and do not give medical advice. Find a health care professional that you can work with. Dr. Daniel Amen is a good source of information as well as the UCLA study. The basic problem is that the outer cell membrane and the mitochondria need to be repaired. Each cell is a little battery. The outer cell has a negative charge and the mitochondria has a positive charge. Commercial cooking oils have been stabilized, so they can sit on the shelf for months. They are of no use to the body and are stored as fat. Cell membranes need a polyunsaturated fat with a rich cloud of electrons that readily combines with oxygen and proteins to form cell membranes and to facilitate cell division. Each person needs at least one ounce of essential oil each day. The doctor who gave the discussion on reversing Alzheimer's recommended nine grams of good quality fish oil per day for the essential oils EPA and DHA.
Testimonials "This is a statement concerning my support for the Fritz Cancer Protocol. "In 2006 I was on my second bout with Cancer, having had a mastectomy 12 years previously. "By chance my husband and I met and became friends with Fritz. We began taking Eniva Vibe and Willard Water in addition to our supplements. "All went well until the Spring of 2015 when the cancer again made it's appearance - I had several lesions on my liver. My oncologist ordered a medication to slow my estrogen, and of course I was in contact with Fritz. He advised me of further developments in his research which resulted in the "Fritz Cancer Protocol", so in addition to the prescription I added most of the things recommended in the protocol. "After 3 months there has been a significant improvement in the lesion. I am now continuing both with the prescription and Fritz' protocol, and I'm looking forward to complete remission." JH
ECONOMICS RESOURCES Financial Bubbles, Real Estate Bubbles, Derivative Bubbles and the Financial and Economic Crisis
Financial Bubbles, Real Estate Bubbles, Derivative Bubbles and the Financial and Economic Crisis
YouTube -- Financial Derivatives -- What are they? -- Housing Bubble Collapse -- Unregulated Insurance
NOVA | Mind Over Money | PBS -- |
Bubble Economics: The Illusion of Wealth -- Doug French Bubble Economics 101 | The Big Money -- by Mark Gimein Economics and Politics | Paul Krugman Blog -- NY Times The Economics Blogs Resource Page
Tim Harford's Top Ten Undercover Economics Blogs The Ten *Really* Best Economics Blogs |
Want the skinnys on Blackwater? Halliburton? --- Amazon Online Reader
October 2, 2007 --- The growing problem with nuclear power plants --- Israel's attack on Syria --- Trade: Who has surplus and why? Middle East, Iraq, OIL: Bush's agenda
November 6, 2007 --- Begins with local commentary on wildfire protection: Jefferson County, Washington State. Then briefly on to Iraq, And then China -- Its burgeoning economic growth and coal factory construction, --- one new plant goes online every five days --- producing world-wide pollution problems; Its build-up militarily; and the trade imbalance between China and the United States --- Who's footing the bill?
************* LINKS
Pollution From Chinese Coal Casts A Global Shadow December 10, 2007 --- The Global Gap widens between the HAVES and the HAVE-NOTS; A brief history of the American Economy for the past fifty years, and its restructuring since the Reagan era; Who gets hit the hardest? What is a mortgage, anyway?
December 19, 2007 --- A genuine World Report: A World Summary and Update; juxtaposing facts and connecting dots for a broader, detailed picture.
March 10, 2008 --- "All the News that's fit to print." --- Information you may not know you had right in front of you.
March 26,2008 --- Like the man said, A World Report
May 5, 2008 --- A World Report: Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia; International Family Planning -- Pakistan; China -- Zimbabwe; Health Concerns; Origins of HIV virus; the Economy; Biofuels effect on food prices
June 2, 2008 --- What's happening in the world that the general media never mentions, although the information is readily available. From conditions in the prisons of Saudi Arabia and the plight of women in all of the Arab world; to the effects of diversity loss among the grains and rices that feed 100's of millions -- diversity matters. And many other revelations.
October 21, 2008 --- Recent global economic meltdown -- commentary.
February 10, '09 --- The Economy -- Bank Bailouts -- Stimulus Package.
April 14, '09 -- A brief blurb on Tyson Foods and then: China -- NAFTA -- the Economy, comment on the Financial Services sector and general news you may not be familiar with.
April 21, '09 -- The economy, trade with China, other news not mentioned in the regular media.
October 27, '09 --- A true World Report -- the blackbox of sensible journalism. Yes you heard it here!
November 17, '09 --- Health Care, state of nuclear power plants, AIG bailout, Afghanistan: Local Hire
March 2, 2010 --- Earhtquakes, China, Economy, Trade...
April 13, 2010 --- China, China and more China....
September 28, 2010 --- Islam, Sharia Law, Economy, GOLD...
October 26, 2010 --- World News:
February 22, 2011 -- World News: Revolution in North Africa: Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia. The Economy: The end of the middle class; does it in fact even exist? Republican war on middle class poses threat to political and economic stability. Globalization has only helped the wealthy. State of the American economy. What has happened to traditional political identities?
May 24, 2011 -- World News: Wall Street Ponzi scheme; Sweat shops in China; Corporate amorality; Socialism for Corporations and the Rich; economic structural problem at base
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